You have a property in mind?
Your information is worth 125€ / 500€
Do you know the owner and he has no idea how to handle it?
Want to help you and get paid for it?
If your information leads to a rental of a property, then you will receive 25€/year during 5 years.
If your information leads to a selling of a property, then you will receive 100€/year during 5 years.
What information do we need?
1. Owner’s first and last name
2. Email
3. Telephone
4. What type of property is it? (House, Office, Villa, Shop,…)
5. The correct address of the property.
The information you provide to us will be checked and passed on to an estate agent who will contact the property owner.
Once the owner and the real estate agent have made a deal and the property has been sold, we will contact you and ask for your bank account number into which we will deposit the money annually (for 5 years).